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Cancel Court Notification

PlanIt-BookIt has a cancel court notification feature. This can be very useful at peak-season and peak-times when court bookings are filling quickly.

To use it go to the view bookings page and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. There, in the bottom left-hand corner, you will see a blue link titled “Notify me of any cancellations” as in the image.

cancel court notification
Clicking the link will display a pop-up form on your screen. Select the date you want notification of cancellations and which courts interest you. Then select the from and to times and click the blue save button at the bottom of the form.
Then you’re done. Court cancellations matching your requirements trigger the system to send you an email.
At which point you can log into the system and book the court. That’s, of course, providing no one else got there before you!
Good luck!
Any feedback please email me at
By Martin Gilliard reach out to me on twitter at @martin_gilliard
cancel court notification modal pop-up